Category Archives: awards

When Life Gives You Lemons, Blog About Lemonade

I’m playing catch up today.  Which is actually a good thing, because this past week was unusually crazy and stressful and as a result I haven’t had the time or creativity to write a more thoughtful or thought-provoking or thought-requiring blog post.  (That typing post was drafted ages ago and I’m actually in the midst of one based on my week’s events, but, not surprisingly, it’s not finished yet.)

So, today I am doubly thankful to Ann at Dr. Fatty Finds Fitness for “tagging” me and to Erica at afoodaddict for giving me the Versatile Bloggers Award:)  In theory I’d need to tell you 18 random things about myself, but I’m going to cheat and do less because I’m having a hard time of coming up with things for both that I haven’t already shared!

Here we go… more random facts about Karen:

1.  I only had two wisdom teeth.  I had no problems with them until a decade or so ago when my dentist put a crown on a molar back there.  I ended up having both wisdom teeth pulled.  (I also eventually ended up changing dentists!)  I ate a lot of chocolate ice cream and mac & cheese while I was healing.

2.  One of my favorite books is Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.  I read it right before I visited Savannah and had a lot of fun seeing the places that I read about.  I even went to a drag show while there because Lady Chablis, a character from the book, was performing.  Very fun.

3.  I can do a cartwheel but it isn’t pretty.  I can’t do a back bend.  Okay, I don’t think I can do a back bend; I haven’t attempted it since I was a kid and I’m pretty sure I’d hurt myself if I tried.  I’d probably hurt myself doing the cartwheel too, now that I think about it:(

4.  I never tried sweet potatoes until about two years ago.  I love them!  My mom never made them when I was growing up.  She also never made meatloaf or tuna noodle casserole.  If she reads this I suspect she’ll jokingly say, “You were so deprived.”

5.  I got a perm when I was a kid that made me feel like Orphan Annie.  I swore I’d never get another.  I thought my hair was straight until I grew it out in my 20s and discovered that it curls in some places and waves in others.  Very uncooperative.  I have grown to really dislike washing my hair every day and whenever I can, go without.  It’s not the washing as much as the blowing dry and straight.  And that my color lasts longer if I wash less often.  That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

6.  I am really enjoying doing crossword puzzles on our tablet.  I’ve also gotten addicted to Solitaire which is quite surprising to me because, while I have often done “pen(cil) and paper” crosswords, I’ve NEVER played Solitaire on the computer and it’s been years and years since I did it “old school” with a deck of cards.  Confession: the app on my tablet lets me choose to play a “winning” game.

7.  My favorite part of yoga just might be the head rolls we do at the beginning of class.  My neck feels so happy:)  I wish we spent longer on it.  I wish I thought to do them at home!  I think I’ll do some right now!  Be right back…

8.  I don’t wear shoes unless I have to.  But I don’t walk outside barefoot except at the beach or to get the morning paper.  And I never walk on our deck shoeless because I got a huge splinter a decade ago (from the dock at the lake house) that festered in my foot for months!

9.  I desperately need a new desk chair.  Mine is so old it tilts to one side and my back aches.  I’ve shopped and shopped and can’t find anything I like.  I bought one and returned it.  I bought another and hated it and it sits unused in the basement.  It’s too hard to tell in the store if a chair will be comfortable for a long time sitting at home!  I’m thinking of getting a stand for my exercise ball instead so I can work my core while I’m at the computer:)  I need the stand to make it high enough for me to reach the keyboard comfortably!

10.  Sometimes I actually research grammar rules when I’m writing a blog post.  My biggest problem seems to be remembering which words to capitalize in titles.  Yes, my inner perfectionist is at play.  And I still hear my teachers’ voices in my head when I end a sentence with a preposition, but my boys tell me it’s considered acceptable now.  I’m going with them on this one:)

And now I’ll answer the questions from Ann:~~~

1. What was the last meal you ate out? Was it as good as you thought it would be?  We went to dinner with friends a week or so ago.  I don’t know what I expected but I liked the appetizers more than my entree.  I don’t drink alcohol very often but was in the mood that night and my grapefruit martini was rather tasty.~~

2. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Was it good?  On our anniversary in August, my husband and I saw the last Harry Potter movie.  I’m pretty cheap so that was a splurge for me; we usually wait for the DVDs and then just get them for free from the library.  But we did save money with a matinee:)  And, yes, it was good.  Not great, but good.~~

3.  What radio station do you listen to most?  I don’t listen; I love quiet.  In the car on road trips my husband will tune in oldies or an 80s station on Sirius radio and I’m fine with that.~~

4.  Which would you want to be a Vampire or Werewolf? Why? Okay, I’m totally stumped with this one.  I’m going with Werewolf because I’m not a night person.  Wait – do they only come out at night too?~~

5.  What is one of your most vivid memories from grade school?  In third grade I won a prize for being the girl who read the most books in our class that year.  I can even tell you who won the boy’s prize.  Not surprisingly I had a little crush on him:)~~

6.  What was your favorite vacation?  This is like asking me to pick a favorite flavor of ice cream!  Impossible.  But I’ll go with one I’d like to do again… One summer as a college student I went to Europe on a group tour.  We visited something like 20 countries in 20 minutes.  That kind of thing.  I saw some amazing sights.  I’d so love to go back and do it more slowly.  And I’d blog the whole thing for you!~~

7.  Where would you go if money and time were no consideration?  Why?  I’d travel around the world, first class all the way:)~~

8.  What is your one pet peeve?  The one thing that drives you nuts.  Really?!  Just one?  I have so many.  Okay… let’s go with hearing people eat.  It’s like fingers on a chalkboard to me.~~

9.  Which is worse…..a complete physical exam(pap for women, rectal for men) OR a trip to the dentist? Why?  Okay, this one really did have me laughing out loud.  I mean, really.  Cold metal things in my mouth or cold metal things in my… ahem…  Need I say more?~~

10.  Do you like summer or winter best? Why?  Summer.  Because I don’t need a coat.  Because I can go to yoga class at the gym in sandals.  Because of the yummy seasonal fruits.  Because it doesn’t drag on and on for months on end when I think it should be over already!  Because there’s a chance my boys will be home for longer than a quick “hi” and “bye.”~~

11.  What is one thing you wish people knew about you?  I’m really very shy.  When I was in high school one of my friends told me that before she knew me she thought I was a snob.  Not!  Just afraid to say “hi” first.

I know I’m supposed to pass these on now.  But I’ve passed both on before and have no idea anymore who has and has not been tagged or given the blog award.  So… please forgive me for not fulfilling my blogger’s obligation.  I am hanging my (fried-brain- filled) head in shame.  I’m going to buckle down now, instead, and work on that other blog post!  And wait for inspiration to strike.


Filed under awards

Have Yourself a Merry Little Blog Award

I’ve been rather delinquent lately.  And the reason for that is ironic considering the topic of this post…  I was given the Versatile Blogger award.  Twice.  And when I read the definition I laughed – because I am soooo not good at turning from one task to another.  Thus my need to apologize to the two lovely bloggers who gave me this award, for taking so long to write about it.

Versatile:  ver-sa-tile [vursuh-tl] or, especially British, [vursuh-tahyl]:  capable of, or adapted for, turning easily from one to another various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.:  a versatile writer.
Word information source:
Here’s how the award works:
1.  You thank the person who presented you with the award.
2.  You tell 7 things about yourself.
3.  You award 15 other newly discovered bloggers.
So, first things first.  Thank you, KLA and Fat in Suburbia!
And as for the seven things, I’ve done this before and told you so much about myself already that I thought today I’d go with a holiday theme.  ‘Tis the season, after all.
1.   We have an interfaith household and over the years have adapted relatively easily, IMO, to melding the December holidays.  It probably helps that none of us are particularly religious so things are pretty secular around here.
2.  My first Christmas tree was one I made out of poster-board and mounted to the wall in my grad school apartment for my husband on our first Christmas together.  When our boys were small, we bought “live” trees and planted them in our backyard; today there are three huge evergreens out there.  Now our tree is artificial; I spray the air with pine scent.
3.  I don’t remember what my first Christmas gift from my husband was, but his mom gave me a Sears hand mixer.  At the time I thought it was an interesting (and rather domestic) choice for the woman dating her son, but I still have (and use) it, 25 years later, so I think it was a darn good present.  But the best gift she gave me was the man himself:)
4.  Every ornament on our tree has meaning.  Some were collected on travels.  Many are from our annual tradition of giving an ornament as a stocking stuffer that commemorates something in our lives.  I even have one with my blog header on it that my husband designed but it won’t go on the tree since I’m kinda still anonymously blogging.
5.  Hands down my favorite thing about Hanukkah is potato pancakes – latkes.  I think my husband and sons would agree.  Okay, maybe my sons would rate gifts as tops and latkes as second.  Maybe.
6.  As I’ve shared before, I hate clutter.  So I’m not a big fan of holiday decorating.  Less is more, IMO.  And, as you might imagine, I like things taken down and put away SOON after the holidays.
7.  I am very hard to shop for, not intentionally, but there is just so little I want.  This year our new tablet is taking the place of all gifts for my husband and myself, other than stocking stuffers.  I had to turn up the volume on my thinking cap to come up with ideas for things my sons could give me.
Now for the hard part:  passing this on to newly discovered bloggers.  For the first time ever, as a blog award recipient, I’m going to crap out on this part.  And let me tell you I feel guilty just typing that!  But, I haven’t found many new blogs lately and honestly my memory is so bad that I can’t remember how long I’ve been following most of the ones I follow!  And  right now my mind is consumed with thoughts of gingerbread, rather than blog reading.  So, instead, I welcome your suggestions for blogs that I might like to add to my list.  If you aren’t comfortable singling them out in comments below, send me an email (at  I’m thinking that a few new blogs to follow will be a perfect little holiday gift for myself:)
Blog suggestions?  The most memorable gift you ever received?  Fun holiday traditions?
And for all who celebrate anything this time of year – Happy Holidays!  Or as my kids used to say –






Filed under awards, holidays/seasons/weather