Do You Scream?

Here’s the scoop:

There was always ice cream in the freezer when I was growing up.  I clearly remember sitting on my parents’ bed after dinner with my older brother, watching TV (like Gilligan’s Island or F Troop), with a dish of coffee ice cream.  We had a game we played.  A competition.  To see who could hold out the longest, constantly stirring the ice cream as it became “soup.”  Only then did we eat it.  Yum.  Coffee was my dad’s favorite flavor; my mom liked Carvel.  I still remember their slogan:  Wednesday is Sundae.  They had little cups of vanilla ice cream with a layer of cookie crunch in the middle.  Also yum.  My mom used to say that the Northeast, where we lived, had the highest per capita ice cream consumption.  I’m not sure if that was right or not but my family certainly did our part.  And, in case you are wondering, not one of us was overweight.

When I was in high school I had a job in a clothing store.  (Still skinny then – clothes were fun.)  On my dinner break I often headed down the block to Baskin Robbins and got a milkshake for my meal which was often followed with a side of candy.  Some days for lunch at school, rather than the very limited and tasteless main course being offered, I visited the school snack bar and got a soft serve ice cream sundae instead.  Reflecting back on how a sweet treat became a meal substitute, clearly I developed some very unhealthy eating habits pretty early in life.

In college, the only dessert offered in the dining hall on a daily basis was – you guessed it – ice cream.  Soft serve chocolate or vanilla.  I’d get the former and top it with peanut butter.  More yum.  By this time, I was no longer skinny.  Actually, unbeknownst to naive me, I was entering my yo-yo diet years, but not directly related to the ice cream, just coincidental.

As an adult with my own freezer, there was often but not always ice cream in the house.  My favorite flavors usually had something to chew in them, like chocolate chips or bits of cookie or chopped up candy.  If I went out for ice cream I was a big fan of something chewy sprinkled on top or mixed in.  Or at least some thick, hot fudge.  My boys often chose ice cream cake for their birthday parties.  At one point my husband and I joined in the trend towards frozen yogurt.  I think we fooled ourselves that it was healthier.  Maybe it was.  That was decades ago before the current fad of self-serve fro-yo places.  I’ve been to one of those a couple of times and, talk about yum.  Yummmm.  And for many years my husband and I were regulars at a frozen custard shop which has sadly fortunately closed.  Okay, maybe there was more ice cream in my life than I realized!  Off and on, just like my weight.

But in the past couple of years as I have been on this quest to eat healthier and to get off the yo-yo dieting roller-coaster, there has been very little of the frozen confection in my life.  I quickly learned that even the most “diet” of ice cream treats (Skinny Cows anyone?) are a major red-light food for me, leading to overindulgence time and time again.  It is a running joke in our family that one time my husband wanted Dove Bars but knew I would be tempted so ate them all with his brother in the car on the way home from the store!  I have much more self-control now, I think.  I have not scarfed down even one of the Klondike Bars that he has been buying lately.  I don’t even salivate when I hear the bells from the ice cream truck driving through the neighborhood.  And, oddly enough, or maybe it makes perfect sense, I don’t even crave or miss ice cream anymore, thanks to not having it on a regular basis.

So why this post, you might be wondering.  Because rumor has it that Sunday is National Ice Cream Day. Yep, a national holiday, designated for the celebration of that frozen stuff.  Not surprising, I guess, that a president known for his enjoyment of jelly beans would get behind a holiday of sweetness.

As for me, I have no plans to indulge.  But if I do feel a desire for the something cold, sweet, and creamy, I might finally try the banana “ice cream” I’ve been hearing so much about.  Just in case you aren’t yet in the know… you freeze  a banana, then blend it, alone or with something added for extra flavor (like peanut butter or cocoa powder or berries or…).  I actually stuck banana pieces in my freezer months ago, just in case the day comes when I want to once again have a little bit of frozen velvety goodness.  But for now, I’m happily going without what was once an almost daily indulgence.  I may be screaming, but it’s not for ice cream anymore:)

Your turn to dish.  Ice cream fan or not so much?  Favorite flavor or frozen treat?


Filed under food

87 responses to “Do You Scream?

  1. For weeks, I’ve been dreaming of Snickers ice cream bars. But I haven’t had any. There are a few ice cream choices I really like, which (fortunately) come in rather tiny packages, because I tend to eat them in one sitting, and the BF is lucky if I share. (^v^) We hardly ever have them at the house, and I think I am okay with that.

    For the hot summer days, I’ve got my own special treat – I make *real* frozen yogurt. Low-cal strawberry yogurt in popsicle shape. One of them has about 50kcal. Other flavors are possible.

    • Karen

      That sounds good!

      We used to get those bars. One more thing I did not eat just one of:( Oh so good. I’d forgotten about them.

  2. I’m not nearly the ice cream fan that my husband is. I tend to go for sorbet, but not always. Being lactose intolerant I know I can’t eat a lot of it anyway, but I do love it.

    And for frozen treats. My son freezes grapes and eats them like that.

    • Karen

      Must be either in his genes or how he was raised:) BTW – that lactose thing never stops my husband! I’m impressed your son like frozen grapes; I’ve tried them before and found them cold but not very flavorful that way.

  3. We always had ice cream and frozen treats in the house in the summer – especially fudgesicles. We lived with our grandparents and my Papa had been a milkman his whole life, so it was a normal thing to have three or four kinds of ice cream at all times.

    I have made the banana ice cream a couple of times lately – it’s close enough to be satisfying but it’s definitely *not* ice cream, so it doesn’t trigger me. I’m still in the stage where I can’t keep quantities of things in the house – as good as the Skinny Cows are, you’re totally right, too much of a good thing is just as bad!

    • Karen

      And I just saw a magazine add that Skinny Cows are now making “diet” candy!!! I won’t be eating that either!

      I do have sugar free fudgesicles in the freezer. BUT – I don’t have the brand that I like the best. Can’t moderate those but can moderate the ones I don’t like as much. Yes, I am rather pathetic.

  4. I am an ice cream girl! It is my favorite indulgence! I do keep it out of the house- but will go out sometimes with my family for some. I am happy to report that I have not eaten ice cream alone in a year. I used to do that. In my car- in hiding- eat ice cream until I felt sick. A new indulgence for me is the frozen yogurt craze. You can still go overboard with the toppings- but if you can stay in control…. pretty nice treat. I have made the frozen banana ice cream! It is YUMMY!!!! Thanks for reminding me of the ice cream truck and how excited as a kid we all became when we heard the bells!!!

    • Karen

      Good for you! Yes, those self-serve places kill me at the toppings counter. Actually, the one near us is pretty interesting in that it has no small bowls, just pretty big ones. Hmmm. I like gelato too which I think is supposed to be healthier than ice cream.

  5. Hmm… ice cream. Over the years, I’ve had a torrid affair with Ben and Jerry. Three years ago, I broke up with them for good. But I admit to a secret rendezvous or late day tryst with the boys here and there. They continue to stalk me, introducing new varieties here and there like Oatmeal Cookie, Boston Creme Pie, and Cake Batter. Oh, the Boston Creme Pie and Cake Batter were too much to resist… as was the Key Lime Pie… and I flirted and indulged with all of them a time or two.

    These days when they beckon as I walk past to load my cart with almond milk and plain Greek yogurt, I don’t stop. I keep moving despite their loud siren song.

    I’m a texture person, and when I need something super creamy — it’s cheap pudding or the soy ice cream in Peanut Butter Zigzag. Pudding is creamier and has fewer calories and sodium. All four little containers of pudding is only 240 calories, while EACH serving of B&J has that much. YIKES!!

    • Karen

      Funny:) My favorite store ice creams are probably the seasonal Thin Mint one and then… hmm… not sure. But my all time favorites were Swensen’s (an ice cream parlor that is not longer around) Swiss Orange Chip, cinnamon ice cream with chocolate chips mixed in, and a gingersnap that I still remember from decades ago at a little shop in NH.

  6. Karen, once again we are alike! Coffee ice cream was my fav flavor when I was young – well that & mocha chip! We stirred it too! Too funny! These days I can’t do dairy so none of that for me & as you know, cookies are my go to treat!

    That “banana ice cream” sounds delish!

    • Karen

      Mocha chip rocks! I forgot that as teens we’d hang out at the local Howard Johnson’s and I got that. How could I forget:)

  7. Ice cream has always been one of those “go to” treats for me, as in I have to “go to” somewhere else to get it. That’s probably a carry-over from childhood days when we would all pile in the car and go to the local dairy bar for an ice cream cone. I do have some sugar-free fudgesicles in the freezer now, for my post-surgery splurgery, but I doubt I’ll eat them all. Not when there’s fro-yo on every corner. 🙂

    • Karen

      We used to sometimes go as a family to Baskin Robbins. Not often enough for my liking. I forgot that when I was in college there was a student run dairy barn that made ice cream. Oh it was good!! I have SF fudgesicles in the freezer too. But not my favorite brand; I’m pathetically unable to eat just one of those.

  8. I love ice cream. i could eat it everyday. I remember eatting it for breakfast when i was younger (and i wonder why i was overweight). For some reason i have been able to control that craving this last year. I guess its the swaps i have for it. 1) i just cut up a banana add pb and sprinkle some Pampered chef hazelnut topping on it 2) or i put pinapple greek yogurt in a cone and eat that 3) i recently found frozen greek yogurt pops for 70 cals each.
    On days that i need ice cream – i have a dixie cup – they are only 100 calories and i keep them on hand for the kids.

    • Karen

      You are so good with this treat! I’m impressed:) I’m glad my boys are not major ice cream fans. Seems when they were younger they asked for it more. My oldest likes vanilla which is not a problem for me to keep around; my younger likes tastier stuff. I guess we’ll stock up for him next week though because he is getting his wisdom teeth out.

  9. My love for ice cream although present in childhood, didn’t flourish until I met and married Mr. B. I swear there is NEVER any less than five containers of ice cream in MIL’s freezer and I often accuse her of eating ice cream twice a day the entire time she was pregnant with Mr. B! Both of them could live on ice cream. It has never become a red-light of trigger food for me, but I don’t want it in the house and Mr. B has been gracious to accommodate. In return, he gets ice cream anytime he wants it when we are traveling. Sometimes I indulge, other times I can pass. Favorite tastes for me are any combination of cherries, chocolate and nuts!

    • Karen

      I think I shared with you that when we last when to Colorado Springs, the one restaurant that made our “must” list was an old-fashioned ice cream parlor. And then there was that place in Bar Harbor that we visited more than once on our trip north.

  10. KLA

    I always envied those people who could keep ice cream in the freezer. Even keep it in the freezer long enough to get freezer burned. Whenever ice cream came into my house, I would sneak servings before and after meals until it was gone.

    Thankfully, with therapy, I can now keep a box of ice cream in the freezer. Some flavors like vanilla are easier to keep then others (heavenly hash), but it’s a place to start…

    I’m so glad that you have gotten to the place where you don’t need to feel the need to indulge in national ice cream day. I’ll have to try the frozen banana!

    • Karen

      I could keep vanilla around too (as long as there was no decadent hot fudge). My mom is one of those people. Why aren’t those the genes I inherited!

  11. Sigh…. it does hit the spot sometimes, eh? I’ve been trolling around and people are making their own with greek yogurt – soooooooo – I’m thinking about a scientific experiment. Because that frozen stuff on a hot night just seems sooooo right!

    • Karen

      Well, if it turns out good, I hope you share the recipe in a post. My mom did tell me that one brand of “non-greek” yogurt actually said something on the packaging about eating it frozen as a treat. Can’t remember which, of course.

  12. I like ice cream, frozen yogurt, frozen fruit juice bars and I love the banana ice cream made with some cocoa! It’s not a trigger food for me and I only have it after a meal so as not to cause a blood sugar spike!

    As you know I like to make my own concoctions at home in my ice cream freezer-and I shall be posting my favorite strawberry ice cream recipe today! Love it! Just 1/2 cup is all I need and it satisfies me.

    • Karen

      Oh yes, you’ve had me drooling just a bit. I do love strawberry when it is homemade with chunks of fruit in it. And there is a shop we pass to/from the lake that has a great homemade blackberry.

  13. DOH!!! Why did you tell me Sunday is National Ice Cream Day??? I’m very patriotic when it comes to such celebrations.

    I love good ice cream, and my flavor preferences are similar to yours – big shock! Once in awhile I enjoy Breyers Half Fat Mint Chocolate Chip, but have been known to eat a half gallon in 3 sittings. Big bowls. So I’m not buying it now. If I get a flavor I don’t like, it could sit there forever and not tempt me.

    • Karen

      Breyers original mint chip was a big one for us growing up. And my youngest always had BR mint chip ice cream cakes. I tried an Edy’s ice cream a few years back that was a healthy version. Only made the mistake of buying it once. It was that good.

  14. I don’t keep it in the house and I don’t normally like anything without “pure” ingredients, but I must admit to getting a McDonald’s 49 cent soft serve a time or twenty this summer.

    • Karen

      That’s a great way to indulge! I almost joined my husband in getting a Costco soft-serve not long ago but I got smart and looked up nutritional info online first. Didn’t indulge.

  15. I was working on a blog entry that was about ice cream but deleted it. Then I came over here and saw your post. You said it way better than me. I love ice cream. That is it. I love it.

    Do you have Dairy Queens in your area? They are advertising a blizzard now that looks quite YUM. So far, I’ve resisted. Their commercials irritate me, so I’m trying to focus on that rather than the creamy, coolness of the blizzard.

    • Karen

      Oh, sigh, there is a brownie blast blizzard, or some such, that I used to get. Oh, yummy and so caloric. Now I am pretty sure they have some bar things that are not that bad. But who doesn’t love a blizzard:)

  16. Ann

    I love ice cream. I love it. I LOVE it. My grandmother used to let me eat it for breakfast! Great way to teach someone to eat right? Now I eat a little and buy the low fat, no sugar stuff which I love. But, Ice cream is my thing!

    • Karen

      Ah grandmothers. Mine had only vanilla but she also kept chocolate chips for us to put on top. My other grandmother had a candy pantry. Eeek.

  17. We never had ice cream in the freezer growing up because we always made our own. It was delicious, but, man alive, it was a process to make. And then once it was made, everybody (except my mom) would have a bowl and, poof, it would all be gone. Because that’s what happens when there are 12 kids in the family. No left-overs, ever. (except for maybe spinach)

    • Karen

      12! I didn’t know that. I think we tried to make it once or twice and it was just too much work. Of course, now you can get machines that do all the work for you:)

  18. Roz

    Ice cream is SOOOOO good! We actually have it in the freezer (bought for a dinner party that was cancelled at the last minute), but haven’t opened it for fear it’ll be gone in no time flat! Just ONCE this summer, I’m going to try the new marble slab creamery ice cream (the place has JUST opened here). The way I see it, if I’m going have it, have the good stuff, but don’t have it often. Then, it’s a treat, not a regular part of our diet. Look forward to hearing what you think of banana soft serve!! Have a great day Karen.

    • Karen

      Yep, we’ve got one of those slab places. Used to go. Not any more. And when I was in Boston, decades ago, there was the original mix in place:)

  19. props to you for no “real” ice cream indulgences! i’ll be right there along with you 🙂

    i’ve been making smoothies with yogurt and fruit, then freezing them in ice trays w/ toothpicks in them for a creamy/fruity/cold treat (that’s portion appropriate) during these hot summer days.. it hits the spot!

    thanks for all the kind comments! 🙂

    • Karen

      That’s a great idea! I wonder if anyone does them with those green smoothies. I’m cringing thinking about it.

  20. Not such a big ice cream fan unless it has a hot piece of something sweet and flakey right next to it. If that’s the case, I’m in trouble….

  21. I am lucky that I am picky about Ice Cream. Just a few flavors I care about and so I buy what I won’t eat for the family.

    I had the same problem with the Skinny Cow things – even tho they weren’t that great, I would eat too many of them in 1 day.

    • Karen

      Sooo, here is my dirty little secret… sometimes I cut them down the middle of the ice cream, taking out some, to increase the chocolate cookie to ice cream ration. I will admit that I did try the new flavor at Costco when they were sampling it recently. I could imagine getting sucked back in.

  22. Biz

    My daughter is the icecream person in our family – when she came back from a vacation with my Mom a few years ago, the first thing she said was “have you ever had butter pecan icecream, its amazing!”

    Being diabetic, I don’t do dessert too often, but I do love a nutty buddy!

    • Karen

      Oh yes, those are good! My husband had a big box of different flavors not too long ago. He and the teen ate them all:)

      So… not sure if you could or would want to eat them, but I’ve been enjoying Baskin Robbins sugar free hard candies in ice cream flavors.

  23. For the longest of times, ice cream was just ice cream. I’d have it once in a while but it wasn’t something I craved. But lately, like the past few months, I’ve really been wanting it. I love chocolate and vanilla with peanut butter…there have been some great B&J flavors lately (like Late Night Snack, with chocolate-covered potato chips!!). I also like raspberry and mango gelato. Oh, and then there’s this place called Rita’s, and they mix a gelato with a soft-serve ice cream and add in pieces of Nila Wafers…so far, I don’t feel that I am abusing myself with ice cream but I have noticed an increase in my desire for it. Like Roxie, I try to go for products that are as pure as possible. And not have too much. HD has come out with little single-serving containers and my husband and I split one…so it’s really not too bad.

    • Karen

      I think those little servings are a great idea. I’ve seen lots of brands at my store. One of my favs is Baskin Robbins chocolate peanut butter. Oh yum.

  24. It’s funny – I only like ice cream in the summer! I love Dairy Queen sundaes but I won’t be having much of that this year!

  25. Ice cream is my absolute favorite food group. I’m not kidding. Even beats out chocolate and pasta and potatoes. Hands down. And it’s gluten free. 😀


    • Karen

      Good to know because we are making a meal for my neighbors in a few weeks (post-surgery for the mom) and their daughter is gluten intolerant.

  26. Just stopped by to say hello. Smile. Great post!

  27. I could have written your post!!! I too grew up on Ice Cream! It’s one of my favorite treats!! I too used to make Ice Cream Soup!!

    I haven’t heard of banana ice cream, but I have made some simple smoothies with a cup of milk, ice, and frozen fruit. It seems to work for me lately.

    • Karen

      I actually used to make low-cal low-carb smoothies with milk, ice and … ricotta cheese! Not bad for a “diet” food.

  28. That is wonderful that you have been able to give up something you have enjoyed so much throughout your life. It’s funny, the whole time I was reading your blog, I was thinking about the banana ice cream and was getting ready to recommend it to you when you beat me to the punch. It is really creamy and has the same texture of soft-serve and is sweet, so if you like banana flavor, it’s a much healthier option. Of course, I can never resist topping it with chocolate or caramel. 🙂 As for me, I can take or leave ice cream. It is one of the few, if not the only, sweet that I don’t love. I’m kind of thankful for that, actually! 🙂

    • Karen

      I don’t know how you can do all that amazing baking! That would tempt me something fierce. Better than ice cream – add cake to it:)

  29. I’m so proud of you for not indulging. I loved ice cream as a little girl. The family use to go to Dairy Queen on Sundays. No more of that! I like your idea of putting a banana in the freezer!

    • Karen

      I had forgotten that we sometimes stopped in at a DQ with my mom if we passed one. Loved that little special treat.

    • Karen

      Yeah, baby! Breyers or Baskin Robbins are my top picks. We have done many, many BF mint chip ice cream cakes. And the first thing I ever made my husband was a mint chip grasshopper pie for his birthday. I forgot that:)

  30. I pretty much have a no-sugar added Klondike bar every day. These are not low fat and the chocolate coating is very yummy. I find that it is satisfying. On the other hand, the Skinny Cow sandwiches seem to set me off . . . .

    • Karen

      So for just a moment I was thinking “I wonder if I can eat those in moderation like Coco.” But then I realized I’m not going there. Finally I’m getting smarter:)

  31. Oh yes, I have a very hard time staying away from DQ this time of the year. Especiallyone special DQ in our town. It has been there since the 1940’s, and their ice cream is the best DQ that I have ever had, and I’m an expert in DQ.

    They do have a Dilly Bar that is sugar free, but it still has 190 cals., and the alcohol sugar in it requires that I spend several hours away from other people after eating it. My digestive system does not do well with any sweetener that has a “ol” at the end of its name. It is very good, however.

    • Karen

      I’ve never had the dilly bars but I do like the cones with chocolate coated on top… and… blizzards. I have not been to DQ in ages which is a good thing for me:)

  32. I used to do ice cream all the time, but since the containers shrank and the price increased, I’ve done without. I do make ice cream occasionally, which the whole family loves!

    • Karen

      It’s been so long since I bought a container that I wasn’t aware of that! But I’m not surprised since all the other foods are shrinking too, it seems.

  33. Miz

    ahhhh this post reminded me of my first love:


    drizzzling that chemical creation all over the spoon till it hardened and froze 🙂


  34. I’ve found a way to get all the sweet icy cold satisfaction of ice cream at about 10 calories a serving at the most!

  35. I adore ice cream! It was almost always in the house in my youth and we carried that traditional forward with our own kids. But, years ago, I took on the advice I heard from Weight Watchers: go out for things you really like and don’t keep them at home. I have followed that mantra in my current path to better health. I do indulge in a DQ small ice cream cone at least once a week. I count everyone of those 230 delicious calories and never regret it. No ice cream in the house, ever!

    • Karen

      Oh this sounds like you:) Very wise approach to living life and eating healthy and enjoying what you want to enjoy. So smart.

  36. Great topic! I go wild for sweets of almost any kind. However, vanilla ice cream is one of the only desserts my husband keeps on hand that I’m barely even tempted by. Samoa ice cream on the other hand – that’s another story! And DQ blizzards – tasty! Also, I’ve tried the Skinny Cow things. They’re just the regular ice cream in portion controlled packages. The portion control is nice, but I don’t that I’d want to have them on hand all the time. After all, you can always eat more than one portion.

    • Karen

      See… 6 in one box is not 6 portions for me! Sigh. Yep, vanilla doesn’t do it for me either. I’ve had the Samoa – yum. My hubby likes it. The Thin Mint is my fav.

  37. Waitawaitawait. They need a DAY? Pff.

    Hubby and I had ice cream cake for our wedding cake. Some sort of sour cherry and dark chocolate thing. We kept a cube of it in the freezer for 14 years. Move after move it remained. I’d smile whenever someone would say “what is that blob?” “Oh just a symbol of our love” I would wax. Then came the event. Mr. Munchberry and I left on a cruise on our sailboat leaving our cake safely back at home in the freezer. Or so we thought. Dah Dah DUMMM! The refrigerator konked while we were gone. My poor friend Chewy came in to water the plants and was confronted with 2 week food rot stench. One of those stenchers was the ice cream cake. She tossed it. Bless her. Because that mess had to have been unholy. We returned months later and the house reeked even though she had completely torn apart the fridge and sterilized it.

    • Karen

      I have never heard of an ice cream wedding cake! Fun. Until the great meltdown. Amazing that you had it in there for so long.

  38. Nicole

    Not a real big fan of ice cream, but sometimes I do like the real mint chocolate chip or Peanut butter cup ice cream, yum. This week for some reason I went on a baking bindge, I baked peanut butter cookies on Monday, Tuesday a cream cheese cake, then my son wanted to make Ninetendo Mario cookies on Wednesday and today I made cinnamon cupcakes, lol what is wrong with me, jeeezzz. Have a beautiful weekend.

    • Karen

      Funny you mention those two flavors because if I go to Baskin Robbins I get both in one cup or cone! Yum. Baking would do me in, usually.

  39. I plan on making that banana icecream this evening… yum. I love ice cream and it’s a huge weakness of mine!

    • Karen

      I made mine yesterday. We had a very hot afternoon here which we spent on someone’s boat and it just cried out for something cold and soothing when I got home.

  40. I have a very similar post that I’m writing about memories associated with the things I love to eat today (donuts, in my case). Sounds like you had lots of good memories associated with ice cream. Ben and Jerry are gods in my opinion and I love, love their stuff. But I can’t eat it because I know how many calories are in it. Ignorance is truly bliss sometimes but yes, knowledge is power. Sigh.

    • Karen

      Ah… I may have to share my one donut story. Funny how many more ice cream memories came out as I read the comments.

  41. How funny – we just did the “wednesday is sundae” at carvel last week for the first time in YEARS! (And it was as good as I remembered and the kids are already looking forward to Wednesday!)

  42. MB

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

    I’ve been screaming for it even more these days with the crazy heatwave going on. I try not to keep ice cream in the house because it is too easy for me to eat way more than a serving at one time. I like to go out for it and usually get Purple Cow frozen yogurt. It is raspberry frozen yogurt with milk and white chocolate chunks. I always get it with extra chocolate jimmies. I actually just had a kiddie size one last night. It was delicious. YUM!

  43. C

    always had ice cream around as a kid- dixie cups at school- dreamsicles, Good Humor Cake bars…there was a DQ-like ice cream parlor near home and a Baskin Robbins in a neighboring town. Strangely, as I have gotten older, I like ice cream less…it seems too fatty and sugary and gooey. I like the fluffiness of moist cake, even without icing, better as a treat. I did have a DQ on my birthday after a hike- one with all kinds of coffee and chocolate. I mostly do not like hard frozen things in ice blend ins, no candy bits and syrups. Once in a while I have a McD’s or a Wendy’s little shake. I read the Ben and Jerry’s flavors or the Limited Editions in the grocery, and I mostly do not care. A few years ago I had a fixation with the Breyer’s Carb Smart. I would get the vanilla and mix in lots of unsweetened cocoa and cinnamon and nutmeg and that was great…for awhile. And Swenson’s some one mentioned: years ago in Washington DC they had dark chocolate orange ice cream. That was tasty.

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