Odds and Ends

Today I’m taking care of business with a hodgepodge of stuff.  My apologies for the extra long post.  Here goes:

The odd honor:  Recently my blog was featured in an online list entitled “50 Best Blogs for Beating Food Addiction.”  I think I’m flattered.  Especially when I consider that mine was included under the section:  Good Eating Habits.  (Guess they missed my confession about my big weekend binge and subsequent bulging belly.)  But I really would love to know how I ended up there.

An end to indecision:  I finally bit the bullet (which was calorie-free, by the way) and set up a Facebook page for my blog persona.  I have no idea what I will do with it yet so if you have suggestions, I’d love to hear them.  It is my fervent hope that you will still come here to read and comment, rather than defecting to that other form of social media as a way to follow me.  And the reality is that I may discover I am just as bad at keeping up with things on FB as I am at tweeting.  So at the end of the day, I am not sure this will last.

Odd thinking:  I write my best posts while I am riding my bike.  In my head.  Clever and well-thought out.  Unfortunately, I rarely remember more than the general topic by the time my ride is over.  But I am telling you, it is always great stuff that would have blown your socks off if only I could have gotten it into print.  My second most prolific blog-idea-generating-activity seems to be showering.  Also not conducive to writing things down.  Sigh.

Oddly undecided:  Most of you know that I reply to comments more often than not.  I love the give and take and sense of a conversation:)  I keep toying with adding a feature to my blog that will send you an email of any reply I post in response to your comments.  What do you think of the idea?

[poll id=”6″]

Oddly appropriate word verification that I had to type on another blog:  “Binges.”

Odd coincidence:  I accidentally happened upon a blog with a very similar name to mine.  The author has not been blogging long and has a couple extra words and some punctuation in the title.  I eventually thought to Google my blog name to see what would happen and I admit that I am happy to report that my own blog was the one that popped up.  (That was only after I assured Google that I had not actually misspelled “wasting.”)

An end to my summer travels:  Today I am headed back to the lake house one last time for this season.  (No internet, so I won’t be posting and will catch up on your blogs over the weekend.)  Oddly, I am not worried (much) about my eating there.  Maybe because I plan to stick to my “eat only at the table” experiment and that should cut down on a lot of the typical lake snacking.

A perfect ending:  Thank you to Tish, at Incremental Improvements, for the best treat all week – a blog award:)  And I gotta love a treat without calories.  Not to mention a blog award with only two rules!

1.  Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience in 5 words: fortuitous, community, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, gratifying, enlightening.

2.  Pass it on to 10 other amazing blogs:

Adrienne at The Skinny Fight

Corletta at Corletta:  It’s a new year… no more excuses!

Diane at Fit to the Finish

Genie at Diet of 51

Journey Beyond Survival

Lesia at Here we go… hold on tight!

Leslie at Something Brilliant is Brewing

love2eatinpa at Confessions of a Compulsive Overeater

Sunnydaze at I want this weight off!

Susan at Diet Again – 2010


Filed under awards, blogging, trends and/or technology, vacation

64 responses to “Odds and Ends

  1. Hi Karen – Thanks for the award! I’ll deal with it today.
    I love this post – clever and with lots of random and excellent musings. I have not yet networked my blog to FB, as I feel rabid about maintaining my anonymity with my local friends and family, unless I have specifically told them about it. I did create a facebook page separate from my “real” one so maybe I’ll follow your lead and see what happens.

    I love your writing and creativity, and sense that we have a lot of stuff in common on this journey! Have a great weekend.

    • Karen

      Yes that potential for somehow losing anonymity is a bit worrisome. I think I got them separate now. (I have tried a few ways and times.) But now I have two profiles I need to sign in to!

      • I did this too. My best solution was to do the completely anonymous one too. I also used networked blogs to autopublish my posts to facebook. It’s only a blurb, and it is a way for people to be reminded to come to my site. There is a similar feature on Twitter.

        • Karen

          Unfortunately my posts are not auto-publishing yet. Thought I had that all figured out. Waiting, maybe in vain, to hear back on that from the FB folks as well as about another tech issue. Sigh.

  2. Karen, I also write wonderful posts while bike riding. I don’t forget them when I get home — it’s just that I feel like I’ve already written it, so why duplicate it? Duh…. Anyway, I recently bought a little digital recorder (which came concurrent with my sister’s visit so I have not yet learned how to use it). It has a USB PC link so it can be hooked up to my computer to save my thoughts as MP3s. This is what I plan to carry with me on future bike rides. Now I’ll really be able to determine if I was actually writing eloquent blogs or if, when I listen to the results, I will hear something like, “Look, a robin!” In case you are interested, I bought it from Amazon and it is SONY ICD-PX820. I spent hours comparing the units and reading reviews. For the price (around $50) this one seemed best. There were a couple of more expensive models that I coveted, but I felt it was too extravagant to spend the extra money for something I plan to use for just the purpose of writing blogs.

  3. Genie@dietof51

    Wow, this will be a long comment:

    Thanks for the award! I might do my words right away this morning!

    CONGRATS on making a best blog list!! Can you send a link?

    Good luck with the Facebook experiment! I can barely keep up with this, so I won’t see you there.

    I always write my best stuff while driving. In my head. I write my best stuff in my head. At least, it seems brilliant at the time. And, like you, I can’t remember much of it by the time I get somewhere to write it down. But, take my word for it, I was rocking it the van.

    Have a nice last lake trip of the summer! Too hard to believe that school starts next week already.

    • Karen

      I do some good stuff driving too and have a notepad and pen there. Of course I have to wait to stop at a light to jot down ideas, which again means I forget a lot. And Murphy’s Law of traffic lights – I get only green when I actually would not mind stopping.

      Sent you the link.

      I’d rather see you here and on your blog than FB anyways:)

      • Karen

        Last night driving home in the dark from the lake I had so many great ideas! I tried to write them on a pad (since hubby was driving) and sure enough, can’t make it all out now that I see the words on the page. Sigh.

  4. Genie@dietof51

    I mean, “rocking it ‘in’ the van”. When am I going to learn to proofread my comments a little more thoroughly?

    • Karen

      I don’t proofread mine either. That is actually something else I can add here… a way for you to edit comments. I get nervous adding to many features.

  5. Yes! I too love the interaction of the blog more than the twitter and the FB! It is more intimate, I guess. Congrats on your honored listing! You more than deserve it!

  6. Congrats on all your awards! WOW and muchly deserved!

    I have my FB page for my blog only for those that like that thing. I don’t have a lot of time to go to other FB pages beyond my family so I am not like others that comment a lot on them.. I don’t know where people have time to do that, Twitter & the rest of stuff. I don’t Twitter either. Maybe my lack of a mobile device that does this stuff too is part of the reason but it still takes time & I am SLOW…..

    Hope you survive the lake house antics! 🙂

    • Karen

      I don’t have a mobile way to do it either! I can’t find your FB page:( I really debated going this route but when I polled readers, the majority were for it. So I’ll give it a try.

  7. …And thanks for the award! You are so lovely!

  8. My best blog topics come to while I’m trying to fall asleep. Unfortunately by the time I get around to blogging the next morning, I’ve forgotten what I wanted to write about!

    • Karen

      Ah yes. I keep a notepad by my bed. And pens. AND here is the biggie – the notepad has a light on it! As do some of the pens. This comes from years of my memory getting worse and thinking of things at night but forgetting them come morning.

  9. Love that you have FB. Thanks for the award. And I love your blog!

  10. I like the random post 🙂 I cxome up with most of mine while running, and enver remember them. I started making a list so I wouldn’t forget – and I still just ramble most days. I should really find more focus. Ha.

  11. sunnydaze

    I like the random post, also. I blog mostly for accountability sake for myself – almost journaling. I feel like I don’t really have time to write any thought-provoking posts since I work all day and when I get home I don’t want to look at the computer after being on it all day at work. I enjoy reading other blogs though, like yours, that make me think – so thanks. 😉

    Thanks for the award! 🙂

    • Karen

      You are welcome. I enjoy that there are so many different styles of posts and writing out there. Some days I get bogged down in trying to write one so maybe I need to let go now and then and just talk about my life and goings on for a change.

  12. I will check you on FB!! I really love my FB page. I have gotten several readers and friends from there.

    I get my ideas in the shower and on my walks:)

  13. It is great to be inspired by exercise! I love the odd-ities! How exciting to get an award. I know that I love reading your blog everyday!

  14. I do my best thinking while I’m doing cardio too! My posts are pretty much complete (in my head) by the time I pull my bike into the garage.

  15. Congrats on the well deserved awards! I love coming over here daily and seeing what is on your mind!

    I just don’t have time for FB, tweeting,a blog and having real life experiences! I don’t know how people do all of that and keep a good balance at the same time.

    I must need some time management counseling!

  16. Congratulations on the award! And thank you for all your support of my journey and my blog!
    I don’t know about FB. I do think people tend to go for that quick and easy blah blah and are doing less blogging. But I’ll visit your page if you keep one.
    And…so funny about writing your great posts while riding your bike! I just had the same thought about my own creative writing, while I was driving. And it doesn’t even work to talk into a tape recorder, I’ve tried that. It’s about the voice inside my head. It’s brilliant! They need to invent the voice recognition software for our inner voice… Um, but that could get scary…

    • Karen

      OMG yes! The opposite of mind control? I wrote the best stuff in the car last night on the way home from the lake in the dark and tried to jot notes while my husband drove.

  17. Running and showering for me too. I did some research on it, cuz I’m funny like that and there’s a lot of creative brain activity during exercise, cool! I carry around a pen a paper in my fuel belt. But before I did that the cows in the field were the only ones who were aware of my brilliance.

    Congrats on the list, I say that too and thought how entirely awesome. Boo on name borrowing. I found a few articles recently that were very similar to some of my musings as well but the blogger was gracious enough to remove them when asked so I didn’t have to go all copyright ninja on them.

    And congrats on another award. You mantle must be all cluttered up with those by now 😉

    Enjoy the RnR.

    • Karen

      Great minds think alike – I was just writing above how I should research this phenomenon! I love blog awards:) I know not everyone gets the same little thrill. But I still do:) Mine are moved to their own page now.

  18. I love this list of gals you’ve! Some I know (and they’re frackin’ awesome). The others, I will get to know. 🙂

  19. I do my best thinking about blog posts in the shower too…which is pretty awesome, but not very practical so I feel your pain. 🙂

    Have fun on your weekend trip! 🙂

  20. Thanks for the bloggie honor!

    I would like the response info to comments except those frequently end up sending EVERY response! a glitchy thing…

    Have fun at the lake – what happened to summer?

  21. The award looks good on you, and I love your words. I’ll be interested to see how your FB works out. I find I don’t want to comment on weight loss issues on my FB page. While most of my friends are probably aware that I’ve lost weight, but I don’t want that to be topic A when we interact. maybe the key is a weightloss FB persona. Keep us posted.

  22. Congratulations on some well-deserved recognition! I’m not sure how I’ve ended up on some lists either, but if it helps…

    I would definitely list you under Good Eating Habits. Your “habit” is good; it’s just not perfect. Since we know that perfection doesn’t exist, that puts you at the top! 🙂

    I confess: I don’t keep up with FB. I may at some point in the future, but for now, I simply do NOT have time. Workouts and generating income are my first priorities. One is going better than the other. 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend!

    • Karen

      Thanks Cammy. And I saw that Tish already gave the the blog award… or you would have been one of the first on my list:)

  23. Congratulations on the award and Thank You for the honor. I love your blog and this post made me smile. I compose blog posts when I walk in the morning. I go over them and then just write!

  24. Congrats on making it on the “50 Best Blogs for Beating Food Addiction” and on the award! That’s great! Also, I do my mental blog writing in the shower and while running! haha – I always think the same thing too, if I only I could write these thoughts down right now.

    • Karen

      Maybe we need old-fashioned tape recorders outside the shower. Turn them on and keep them running and instead of singing, we speak our post ideas!

  25. Karen, that’s awesome about the blog award! Can’t wait to follow you on Facebook, please post the link. Hope you have a wonderful time at the Lakehouse. 🙂

  26. Long is good
    Odd and oddly are good
    Your new plan for the lake is good
    Your writing in the head must be beyond exceptional
    because your writing that I read is exceptional

    Congrats on the well-deserved award
    Keep it up!!

  27. I, too, like others above, get clarity for my posts while riding my bike. It is some of the only “alone” time that I usually have during the day (except when I am towing a grandbaby). I actually love that part about getting fit: inspiration while biking.

    I wonder how you make time for all the social networking that you do, including your comments above (numerous). Do you have a system to keep you ahead of the game? Enjoy your trip to the cabin. Michele

    • Karen

      Well, I don’t have a job. That is key. I can’t imagine how’d I find time for this if I did. The blogworld has become a hobby for me – one I really enjoy, both the act of reading and commenting and writing, and everything that comes from it (community, motivation, inspiration, support, friendship). Actually, part of why I spend time out here is that, honestly, it keeps me from eating. Truth! I don’t spend much time on either FB or Twitter: minutes each day maybe. But the blogosphere is another story:)

      That said, I am working on telling myself that I don’t have to reply to every comment; that I don’t have to comment on every post of bloggers I follow. I just don’t have time but it is hard for me to let go. But I am working on it:)

      P.S. One thing that helps a lot is subscribing and using a reader.

  28. Oh yeah!! Thanks. I’ll work on this some time this weekend. I like the idea of the comment email but it also doesn’t matter. I always check back.

    I didn’t google my name before buying it. My blog shows up with results on how to fight if you’re skinny. lol

    • Karen

      Oh that’s funny! I didn’t think to google mine first either. Although I knew that the domain name was gone already. And the Twitter name. Darn.

  29. Stephen

    My wife enjoys your blog so I thought I’m come take a look. Wow! I really like the colors and layout. Keep fightin’ the good fight!

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