The Warehouse Obstacle Course

Recently I navigated Costco.  For me this is rare occurrence.  Because in our household, it is my husband who is the primary Costco shopper.  He loves that store.  He eagerly awaits the coupons that come in the mail.  He goes often and buys lots.  Sometimes I go with him, but mostly I am happy to leave that errand to him.

Some things he buys are, in my opinion, great deals.  Others… not so much.  Like the enormous jar of Hot Tamale candies.  Or the Costco size condiments that spoil before we get halfway through.  I’m undecided how to categorize the ginourmous bag of quinoa since it is healthy but we haven’t tried in in the months since we got it!  We have gotten smart and now he keeps a running list on his phone of the things we need.   And some days he sticks to the list; some days he doesn’t.

A trip to Costco for me is a venture into a potential diet-busting minefield of little bites – the challenge of food samples waved under my nose.  On my recent trip the lovely ladies tried to tempt me with:  spinach dip on tortilla chips, frozen yogurt bars, oatmeal bars, red colored fruit juice, dried blueberries that looked great until I saw the added sugar, ravioli.  “Do you want to try…” they entreated.  “No thank you,” I replied, steadfast.  The one sample I did taste was “naked chicken nuggets.”  No breading, no added sugar, no way would my son eat that!

I will admit that in the past, in my non-diet days (or diet days when I was cheating), I loved those food samples and was happiest when they were baked goods and candy.  I didn’t even try to fool myself that the tiny size added up to tiny calories.  One time they had every flavor of cheesecake to sample and I sampled several.  Another time it was a variety of Otis Spunkmeyer cookies.  Yum, yum, yum and yum.  And I really enjoyed the holiday samplings of  blissful Belgium chocolate.

But this visit I ate my naked nugget and headed to the checkout with only the items I came in for:  three bags of fresh green beans, an assortment of colored bell peppers, and my husband’s Oroweat bread thins.  No little bites of diet derailment; no Costco-sized diet disaster.


Filed under food, shopping

32 responses to “The Warehouse Obstacle Course

  1. That is tremendous willpower!
    .-= Mary´s last blog ..A song of faith =-.

  2. Good for you! I also tend to get lured in by the free samples. The bulk foods aisle is dangerous territory!
    .-= Anna´s last blog ..How to be selfish =-.

    • Karen

      Let me tell you that over the years we have gotten many, many unhealthy not-diet-friendly foods in bulk. Hopefully those days are over and I can convince my husband best not to even bring it in the house.

  3. HURRAY! What an accomplishment. Yes, I feel that those little samples are yelling out my name every time I pass by them. Way to go!

    .-= Allison´s last blog ..Time to Vote For My New "DO" =-.

  4. Hey…
    I am so proud of you for not only skipping the free “bad” samples, but also going in and only getting what you needed. Let me just tell you… getting only what I need, rarely EVER happens! Great job!
    .-= Corletta Brown´s last blog ..What Up… =-.

  5. We used to have a membership to one of those warehouse clubs. They do offer a lot of free samples. Good for you for staying on track.
    .-= karen@fitnessjourney´s last blog ..Why Are French Women So Slim? =-.

  6. I love a Costco victory! I can usually get out of there without eating samples but the stuff in the cart is sometimes suspect… Great job!
    .-= My Lipstick Life´s last blog ..Same Old, Same Old =-.

    • Karen

      My husband has been known to bring home things that are best not to have around. Chips, muffins, Tootsie Rolls. Even worse in Costco size.

  7. Good for you! I have a hard time with Fresh Market testers. Especially since their know for their healthy groceries there. Well…gourmet cheese can really add up in the calorie department…
    .-= Lisa´s last blog ..The Journey Bracelet =-.

    • Karen

      Oh I so would have gone for the cheese! I could tell myself it is on my plan and forget about the calories adding up.

  8. Why do they have to do that (give out samples)?! And be so darn pushy too? Good job getting it done as you intended! 🙂

    • Karen

      I read a book once in which the author held that job for a day. According to that, the person gets a commission for every item they manage to sell! Thus the pushiness.

  9. As a fat woman, I always feel like a target of those “sample ladies” at Costco. “Here dearie, want some goodies?” they cackle at me. Now I view their food as if it’s contaminated with cooties, and it gets me past them.

    I also like Costco, but wish they would put in a “100-items or less” checkout aisle.
    .-= Sskar´s last blog ..Yogurt versus Cottage Cheese! =-.

  10. Genie

    I buy those colored bell peppers every week at Costco. And, I look forward to the coupons, too! Usually pretty good about refusing the samples. The cheesecake ladies are hard to turn down….

  11. Too funny – I also went to Costco today and wrote about it in my blog! I also managed to stay away from the free samples. And I find the area where they bake the fresh breads is absolute torture. They actually have a giant fan right where the muffins come out of the oven to blow the scent throughout the store – it’s a killer!

  12. I just can’t get into the Costco thing, maybe because I live by myself and don’t need the big packages. I don’t mind the free samples, especially if they’re bakery samples 🙂 It’s a good way for me to get a “taste” of something luscious without eating the whole thing. (Hmm, rethinking my decision to drop my membership now. *g*)
    .-= Cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life (Book Review) =-.

    • Karen

      Here is a confession: I am the only one in my house right now who drinks the skim milk we buy at Costco. But we did the math and it is sooo much cheaper that it is worth getting and throwing half away that I don’t finish before the expiration date!

  13. it is definitely like going into a mindfield knowing all those samples are there! sounds like you planned ahead of time what you were going to do, and then you followed through. kudos on a job well done!
    .-= love2eatinpa´s last blog ..Binge-Free Bracelet =-.

    • Karen

      I suppose I would have more wisely not paid any attention to them instead of steering my cart just close enough to see what was offered!

  14. Is Costco really worth it, for the meat and paper goods? I’ve heard wonderful things, but we have such a tiny pantry…

    • Karen

      For some things, it is a great deal! The seafood and the meat are much cheaper. But large amounts! Paper goods and some toiletries are also a good deal if you have room for them. Some of the things we buy routinely: milk (skim and soy), Gatorade, eggs, eggs substitute, blueberries, green beans, peppers, salmon, top round, paper plates (that last forever), sunscreen, hubby’s vitamins,pretzels, salsa, minced garlic (also lasts forever), hubby’s peanut butter (I get mine at the grocery to by natural), hubby’s jeans, wow…. the list goes on.

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog before! I just went to Costco a few weeks and I was glad I had lunch before hand. It was easier to have the will power when I had just eaten. Great job!
    .-= Jenni´s last blog ..Weekly Wednesday Weigh In =-.

    • Karen

      That’s a good idea! I noticed last trip that my husband came home with a berry yogurt drink in hand, better than the the cinnamon sugar things he used to pick up on his way out.

  16. warehouses are a trap! you didn’t realize you wanted chips until you did the math and realized buying a three month supply is a dollar cheaper than buying separately so now it’s a money saver so in the cart it goes.

    Or maybe that’s just my experience. lol. I never overloaded on fruit. But thumbs up for the lifetime Quinoa supply.
    .-= adrienne´s last blog ..My Weight Loss April 21 2010 =-.

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