May Day! May Day!

In honor of the new month…

I may… get choked up when my son graduates college.

I may… not get around to my typical annual birthday treat debate since I’ll be spending most of the day on the road, driving home from the graduation with the graduate in tow.

I may… be glad that there is no scale around on my birthday.  Something about that day makes me always mark my weight in my mind.  But I’m confident I’d weigh at or near my goal weight, except for those inevitable pounds from several days of travel.

I may… watch a House marathon with my (husband and) youngest son when he gets home from college.  I’ll also be catching up on the many episodes of Chopped that I’ve saved to watch with both my boys.  Go figure – they like cooking competitions as much as I do:)

I may… cry during the last episode of Desperate Housewives.

I may… take a “posed” family photo while both boys are home.  I guess I need to start thinking about what we can wear and which family member I can impose upon to try to get us all to smile at the same time.

I may… find a different day to celebrate Mother’s Day because I may be working.  I don’t mind; hopefully my mom doesn’t either:)

I may… have to get someone to drive me to work this summer since we’ll be back to more drivers than cars.

I may… start feeling confident comfortable, rather than nervous, about ringing sales and returns on the register.  I may finally have less back aches from standing.  I may feel guilty about asking for so much time off.  The job is still going well but it sure is making all these trips out east more complicated.

I may… blog less often.  Or without a schedule.  Or I may not.  I’ve said it before and, yet, here I am today.

I may… eat less meat to go along with my husband or eat more meat to go along with my teen, home from college.  I may tear my hair out trying to plan family meals.

I may… read “Shades of Grey” to see what all the hype is about.

I may… bake sweets for my son’s “officially leaving the nest and relocating halfway across the country” party or I may let someone else handle desserts so I’m not “sampling” the batter or tempted by the wonderful smells coming from the oven.  I may once again show my love with his favorite M & M cookies.

I may… paint my toenails for the first time this season.  If I can find just the right color.  I may decide I don’t like how it looks and I may start over.  Or I may just be lazy and leave my nails alone.  I may over-think this and so many other things.  Okay – for sure I’ll over-think many things, that’s just me.

I may… babysit my three young nephews overnight this weekend.  Which means lots of little boy energy.  And three soccer games at three different locations but not at three different times.  I may be reminded how glad I am that my boys are (for the most part) grown.  I may need a nap.

I may… start doing cardio again!!!!  My calf is still bothering me but I’ve sort of given up waiting for it to be “normal” again.  I may regret my decision but there’s only one way to know.

What may you do this month?

The winner of the Snikiddy Snack giveaway was Diane!  Really.  Coincidentally.  I’ll be announcing the winner of her book giveaway next week. 


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34 responses to “May Day! May Day!

  1. My goodness! What an amazing month you ‘may be’ having! Sounds like a fantastic list–tears and all xx

  2. You never cease to come up with these cute post ideas! What a month!!
    Having your boys around is going to be very interesting, isn’t it? Especially with you working. Maybe your men can take care of you for a while.
    Sorry your calf is still not quite right. Did you ever try the castor oil wrap? I just did it on my achilles and it really helped.
    Enjoy all your adventures.

  3. I may do some of the things you listed too including readying 50 shades because I’ve been hearing everyone talk about it!

    That is so exciting about your son! I know my parents were sad when I left the next since I was the first born 🙂

  4. Whew, this post made me tired!! I may check back with you to see how each of these things actually turned out.

  5. Looks like you have some great things ahead, A LOT of great things. I hope you get to accomplish all you want to!

  6. You may be the most clever blogger I read! I love this – a good way to give a flash view of what lies ahead, behind and in the moment!

    I’m curious about Shades of Grey too! It’s on my list, along with 30 or so other must reads!

    About restarting cardio – just start slowly and gingerly, and remember icing after (even if it feels fine), and Ibuprofen. You’re right – you never know if you don’t put a toe in the water.

    Now – onto me (hahaha – sorry!)… thanks so much for your comment to my post yesterday. I need to read Cammy more – whenever I do I like what she has to say. I always appreciate your take on things, Karen.

    • Sorry I rambled so:) You are right about the ice. My husband said the same thing. I would not have thought to do that and need to MAKE myself. Thanks for the kind words:)

  7. What a neat way to intro May! I loved this post. I have NO idea what I’ll be doing in May right now but you have made me think about it. One thing I do know is that I’m slowly getting back on track with catching up on other people’s blog posts so you’ll see me around more – yay! I do so enjoy your posts.

  8. You have a LOT of “Mays” on your fabulous list! And you have given me a lot of good ideas about what I May do. Enjoy the graduation–it’s a special time for all of you. And–have a great weekend!

  9. Congrats to your son! Sounds like you have a very, very busy month ahead, indeed!

  10. KarenJ

    I MAY actually start my own blog if I can figure out how to put aside the time to do it. I may get up a half hour earlier in an effort to get more productive time into my day. Sounds like your May is going to be very productive!

  11. I may be going back to Mississippi for a couple of months. That’s about all I’ve actually sort of planned. I will admit that Desperate Housewives is one of my guilt pleasures. I will miss it. 🙂

  12. I may do some of the very same things you do. And then I may not. The good thing about being solo is that I may change my mind at any minute! 🙂

  13. I MAY just say that I LOVE this post BUT no may not on that cause I love it! 🙂 You are too funny!!!!!

    I was wondering how you were liking the job… sounds like ya are – 🙂

    Hope the cardio things goes OK… take it slowly at first!

    Me – no Shades of Grey for me… I hear it may be a movie – from what I hear about the book – X rated!!!

  14. You also may get tired of the same comment from me over and over…”LOVE IT!” 🙂

    I may become a permanent resident in a new country this month! YOUR country!

  15. You definitely have a lot going on this month … lots of challenges.

    I say celebrate Mother’s Month since you can’t celebrate on the day!

  16. LOVE this. Have a wonderful May Karen!!!!!

  17. Miz

    What a creative creative post. And I’m late. Because I was here shouting my own MAY DAY of sorts….

  18. I “may” never stop thinking how clever you are! 🙂

  19. Busy, busy you! Crying is called for when a child graduates college, what an awesome achievement. And taking the kids for the weekend, you’re an angel!

  20. Karen!! Just checking in after my long hiatus! Congrats to your son for graduating college. You must be proud. Enjoy your time with family. I like the idea of having others make those tempting desserts!

  21. Wow! What a busy month you will be having and what a big month (birthdays, Mother’s Day, graduations and leaving ‘home’). It sounds tumultuous, but at the same time lovely – to have everyone around.

    (I am hoping) I ‘may’ start to feel a bit more positive about everything this month. I’ve been in a state of flux (or something) lately. In all honestly, blogging/writing is the only thing giving me any joy at all (including some writing I’m doing for work)… but I need to change that.


  22. I just bought Shades of Grey this afternoon! Lol

  23. I may… start doing cardio again!!!!

    Finally! Yay!!

    Congrats on your son’s graduation. You must feel so proud!

    I have a couple of “mays”: I may start blogging more, and running more. I may have a new job, but I seriously doubt it!

  24. I “may” have to read your blog more often to get one of your good post ideas! This one was amazing! – Maureen

  25. Karen – you put so much thought and love into your blog!
    Thank you for that!
    Have a pretty day!
    p.s. I MAY finish my book this month!

  26. I will be crying at my son’s HS graduation. I may make my husband watch the DH finale with me. Have you tried wearing a compression sleeve for your calf? Maybe the extra support would help ….

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