Twas The Week After Christmas…

Twas the week after Christmas, when all through the house,

Not a creature was living healthy, not even a mouse.

The stockings were fast packed away for next year,

With hopes that the candy contents would soon disappear.

The “children” were socializing rather than in bed,

While visions of snowboards and books and XBox games danced in their heads.

And mamma in her calf sleeve, no cardio with that,

Lay down on the couch for an afternoon nap.

The stresses of shopping were over at last,

Replaced by the food porn which had her aghast:

The candy, the cookies, the chips and the dips,

The breads and the ‘taters all passed through her lips.

The pie and the cheesecake, sat lonely a while,

‘Til both were sliced into, to add to the pile.

And the food just kept following wherever she went,

Packaged and gifted, with best of intent.

Twas the week after Christmas, when all through the house,

A woman was hiding junk food from herself.

The binge-fest was over, as sure as it came,

Swept out of the house with a small bit of shame.

The “dieter” reclaimed the menu and pantry,

With visions of healthy eating making her anticipatory and antsy.

She sprang to her feet, to her team did decree:

“Clean up all this crap stuff, we’re now holiday free.”

And away she did fly with a vacuum in hand,

To clean up the crumbs from where they tended to land.

To box up the ornaments, away ’til next year,

When again holiday excess will fill her with fear.

Happy New Year to all, with the food out of sight,

As we get back on plan and we fight the good fight.





Filed under cheating/overeating, holidays/seasons/weather

43 responses to “Twas The Week After Christmas…

  1. You get the Clever Blogger award for this post, Karen. Too cute. I have one more outing (tonight) before I can call this holiday feast-a-thon officially over. Then, back to normal, boring meals (bring on the boring!!) Love the photo. You look about like how my gut feels right now! lol

    • Our last one was last night too. My stomach has little been rolling with all the crap I’ve put into it! I’m going shopping today – time to restock with the “good” stuff:)

  2. Love this! Yep, today we’re back to the boring but healthy. We did indulge yesterday but thinking back a few years, we did practically no damage at all. 🙂

  3. One of my goals for 2012 is to make healthy eating exciting… rather than this dreaded boring everyone speaks of. Perhaps it’s possible to combine healthy and routine without involving boring. Time will tell!

    • We got my family to eat brussels sprouts AND arugula (as the base of a salad with blood oranges and fennel) at our Christmas dinner instead of the dreaded green bean casserole. They loved both dishes. Here’s to un-boring healthy food that people will love!

    • It’s possible! You just need some motivation, effort, and maybe a wee bit of talent in the kitchen. I can envision you having a lot of fun discovering great new recipes. And then you can share the best of them with the rest of us:)

  4. Great post 🙂 I really enjoyed it!

  5. LOL! I sent all the cookies my sister made home with her last night and put the cheesecake my mom brought (and refused to take home) in the freezer. Think maybe I should just toss it? I know frozen cookies are pretty tasty, cheesecake might be too.

    • Oh yes! So many things taste great frozen I have discovered:( I noticed that my SIL left a bunch of sweets at MY house! Fortunately my teen had friends coming so we passed the plate to them.

  6. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny Karen but so true for many. It is fun but exhausting & yes, for some, too much food! My stepdaughter still has another gathering today & those 2 are so tired of food & all the stuff! 😉 They work long hours & have to go back tomorrow….

    Here is to fit & healthy – YES!

    Love the pic!

  7. Wow! You are very creative! Wish I could write like that. 🙂
    Happy New Year and here is to a healthier start. 🙂

  8. I LOVE THIS! haha! Too cute!!!! And how true! 🙂

  9. If only there weren’t enough leftovers to last the whole year! Yikes!!!

  10. Too cute, very creative. It is definitely time to get outta holiday mode and wrap my mind around getting ready for 2012. Time to turn towards my goals… By the way, not sure if you are interested but I am hosting a challenge. Please check it out.
    I’d love to have you. If not…also feel free to give me some tips as this is my 1st time hosting a challenge.. 🙂

  11. Very clever! I am coming out of my sugar fog today to a nice normal day 😀

  12. Made me laugh out loud. ^^ Still some inbetween-holiday parties to attend, but I am trying to hang in there, limiting my junk instake and keeping an eye on the numbers. And come January, I’ll be back on track. (This is NOT a new-year resolution, that is post-holiday reason.)

  13. Ah ho. Thank you for the good chuckle. It will be the only ab work I get today.

    Clever clever Karen.

  14. ((giggles)) I like it. Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna scroll back up to the part about the pie and cheesecake. m’kay?

  15. Love the poem Karen, but hate to hear how you suffered with all the food around the house. That would have thrown me into a bingefest too.

    I am happy to say no binging here since removing the refined sugars and aspartame from my diet. I sometimes crave, but I stayed away. It was a miracle while at my Mom’s but I had them hide the chocolate chip cookies from me, so all was good. haha 🙂

    • I would love to blame the food, but I have to take full responsibility:( Eating well would be much easier though if there was no crap in my house and no social events!

  16. I’m still nibbling ….

  17. Oh you are talented, love the poem! I’ve come to terms that I will go somewhat overboard during the holidays. I am not even going to try and fight it. I had pie after lunch and dinner on Christmas. Oh well.

  18. Hi Karen

    I’m not yet on the straight and narrow… it’s my birthday today (28th Dec) and then I have New Year, so… constant excuses (as if I need them!). But, I’m determined that I’ll be back on track soon!

    Well done to you for refocussing as soon as possible!


  19. You really should compile all these fabulously funny posts into a book or something!! You win.

  20. You continue to be a better woman than I, my friend. I’m giving myself until 1/2. LOL (yeah, I’m back.) 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  21. Jan

    Brilliant! I was laughing and then gasped on reading these lines:
    “The candy, the cookies, the chips and the dips,
    The breads and the ‘taters all passed through her lips.”
    Have you been following my holiday travels? The last week was disastrous for me, but it was only a week – not even a week.

    I feel guilty about my eating off plan (bingeing really) and also about staying away from my Reader. I’ve missed being connected. Think that might be related at all?

  22. I’m so glad the holidays are over! Cute play on words- I love it 🙂

  23. LOL so cute! You are very clever. The time from Thanksgiving to New Years is my favorite time of the year, but I’m actually ready for things to get back to normal this time. This is the first year that I’ve taken health/eating/exercise seriously and I’m fairly happy that I managed to stay mostly on track, but let’s be done with all the food around the office now, ok?

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